News & Tax Tips

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The facts of personal service income (PSI) for tax refund

Content What is personal service income(PSI) The different between personal service income and sole trader income How to Calculate Personal Service Income Tax What is personal service income(PSI) Income is classified as PSI when more than 50% of it comes from your personal efforts or skills, rather than assets, sales, or a business structure. To […]

How family and dependents affect on Medicare Levy Surcharge

Content When you are a member of a family for the MLS Spouse (married or de facto) for MLS purposes Child for MLS purposes When you pay the MLS When you are a member of a family for the MLS For Medicare levy surcharge (MLS) purposes, you are a member of a family if, during any period […]

What You Need to Know About the Stage 3 Tax Cuts and Your Tax Return

Content What is Stage3 Tax Cuts Summary of proposed changes Tax cut calculator What is Stage3 Tax Cuts Beginning on July 1st 2024, most Australian taxpayers will see reductions in their tax obligations thanks to the stage 3 tax cuts. By lowering marginal rates of income tax, particularly for middle-income earners, these tax changes aim […]